

AI(人工智能):artificial Intelligence

ABS(防抱死制动系统):anti-lock braking system

BEC(商务英语证书):Business English Certificate

BRT(快速公交系统):Bus Rapid Transit

CCTV(中国中央电视台):China Central Television

CEO(首席执行官):chief executive officer

CFO(首席财务官):chief financial officer

CET(大学英语考试):College English Test

CPU(中央处理器):central processing unit

ETC(电子不停车收费系统):electronic toll collection

ICU(重症监护室):intensive care unit

EICU(急诊重症监护室):emergency intensive care unit

OICU(产科重症监护室):obstetrics intensive care unit

GDP(国内生产总值):gross domestic product

GNP(国民生产总值):gross national product

GPS(全球定位系统):global positioning system

IQ(智商):intelligence quotient

EQ(情商):emotional quotient

HR(人力资源):human resources

IT(信息技术):information technology

MBA(工商管理硕士):Master of Business Administration

EMBA(高级管理人员工商管理硕士):Executive Master of Business Administration

MRI(磁共振成像):magnetic resonance imaging

OTC(非处方药):ove the counter

SOHO(小型家居办公室):small office home office

SUV(运动型多功能车):sport utility vehicle

UFO(不明飞行物):unidentified flying object

USB(通用串行总线):universal serial bus

VIP(贵宾):very important person

WC(厕所):water closet

WHO(世界卫生组织):World Health Organization

WTO(世界贸易组织):World Trade Organization


u = you

dude 哥们儿

sup = What's up = Wuz up 打招呼,类似于How do you do

CU/cya = see you / see you all 再见/大家再见

bb = bye bye 拜拜

asap = as soon as possible 尽快

atm = at the moment 目前,现在,现在正在(干某事)

Brb = be right back 马上回来(意思要走开一下)

Brt = be right there 马上到

BBS = be back soon 马上回来

BBl = be back later 一会儿回来

BTW = By the way 顺便问问/顺便一提

IMO = in my opinion 我认为,我觉得

hf = have fun 玩得开心

gl = good luck 祝好运

Idk = I don't know 不知道

Ic = I see 原来这样/哦/我明白了

NP = NO PROBLEM 没问题,没关系

gnight = good night 晚安

nn = night night 晚安(通常第一个人说gnight/gn8;第二个人说nite;后面的就说nn)

tks/tq/ty/tyvm = thanks/thank you/thank you/thank you very much 谢谢/谢谢你/谢谢你/非常感谢你

yw = you'r welcome/you are welcome 不客气,不用谢

gj/wd = good job / well done 相当于:做得好!

ttyl = talk to you later 一会儿在谈,迟点跟你说

wb = welcome back 欢迎回来

w8t = wait 等等


lol = laughing out loud / lots of laughs 大笑

Lmao = laughing my ass off 笑掉屁股

rofl = roll on floor laughting 笑到在地上打滚

Omg = oh my God 相当于“我的天”

Omfg = oh my f u c k(ing) God 语气较重的“我的天”

WTF = what the f u c k 等同于“我日”“卧槽”

WTH = what the hell 比较文雅的WTF,常作为疑问“怎么会这样?”“什么鬼?”


GG = good game 褒义为“不错的一场游戏”或是认输,并对对手表示称赞的意思;贬义为“完蛋”“大局已定”,或是对方嘲讽“你们输定了”

AFK = away from keyboard 本人不在/离开一下

FTW = for the win 相当于“必胜”

Lfm = look(ing) for more / looking for member 找更多的(人)

LFG = Looking for a group 寻找队伍以加入。

wtb/s = want to buy/sell 想要买/卖

noob = newble 菜鸟,用来称呼新人的不礼貌的说法

AOE = Area of effect 群体攻击技能

DPS = Damage Per second 直译为“每秒产生的伤害”,游戏中多指高输出高伤害的职业

LV = Level 游戏等级的意思

MT/T = main tank 指肉盾,血厚的职业

PVP = Player VS Player 玩家对战

PVE = Player VS Environment 直译为玩家对战环境,游戏中就是打副本

PVC = Player VS Computer 玩家对战电脑

Top = topsolo 上单

Mid = midsolo 中单

Adc =  Attack Damage Carry/Core 下路

Sup = support 辅助

Jug = jungle 打野

AD = Attack Damage 物理伤害

AP = Ability Power法术伤害

NBA = National Basketball Association,即美国篮球职业联赛,简称“美职篮”

PG = point guard 1号位控球后卫

SG = shooting guard 2号位得分后卫

SF = small forward 3号位小前锋

PF = power forward 4号位大前锋

C = center 5号位中锋



RIP = rest in peace 安息

BBQ = barbecue 烤肉

PIN = Personal Identity number 个人识别码

ATM = automatic teller machine 自动存提款机

A.K.A = also known as 以..之名

GG = good game 一场好游戏

FYI = for your information 供你参考的意思(通常 FYI 会用大写)

FAQ = frequently asked questions 常见问题

Q&A = Question and Answers 提问与回答



LOL (laughing out loud) 笑死我了

BFF (best friend(s) forever) 永远是最好的朋友,友谊长存

OMG (oh my god) 我的天啊

SO(significant other) 另一半

BYOB = bring your own beer/booze 带你自己的酒过来

PLZ = please 请

L8R =Later 晚些、稍后

WTF = what the fuck 搞什么

IDK = i don't know 我不知道

IMAO = laugh my ass off 笑到不行

NP = no problem 不谢,没关系

THX = thanks 谢啦

L8R = later / see you later 掰啦,再见

CU = see you 掰掰。也常拼写为 CYA(see ya)。

BRB (be right back) 马上回来

BTW (by the way)顺带一提

TTYL (talk to you later) 晚点再聊

XOXO (hugs and kisses) 抱抱亲亲



ASAP = as soon as possible 越快越好

RSVP = please reply 请回复

IMHO (in my humble opinion)这是我个人浅见

ISO (in search of) 寻找

E.g. = example 举例来说

i.e. = that is, restate an idea 换言之

etc. = et cetera. = and so forth 等等



attn: = attention: 收件者

re: = regarding: 有关于…

Asst. = Assistant 助理

Dir. = Direction 指导

Mgr. = Manager 经理

dept. = department 部门

bldg. = building 大楼

CEO = Chief Executive Officer 总裁;执行长

CFO = Chief Financial Officer 财务总监

COO = Chief Operating Officer 执行总监

CIO = Chief Information Officer 技术总监

ETA = estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间

HQ = headquarters 总部

MSRP = manufacturer’s suggested retail price 建议售价

SOP = standard operating procedure 标准作业流程

YTD = year-to-date 年初至今

CPA = chartered public accountant 註册会计师

No = Number 号

N/A = Not applicable 不适用

PR = Public relations 公共关系



(The) UK = (The) United Kingdom 大英联合王国

BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司

ITV = Independent Television 英国独立电视台

NHS = National Health Service 国民保健制度

DWP = Department for Work and Pensions 英国就业暨国民年金事务部

GCSE = General Certificate of Secondary Education 普通中等教育证书

NI = National Insurance (number) 国民保险制度

GMT = Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治标准时间

BST = British Summer Time (GMT + 1) 英国日光节约时间



Gonna = going to 表示即将做某件事

Wanna = want to 想要

Gotta = got to (或have to ) 必须

Hafta = Have to 必须

Coulda = Could have 本来可能

Shoulda = Should have 本来应该

Woulda = Would have 本来可以

Musta = Must have 一定是

Losta = Lost of (= A lot of)很多

Sorta = Sort of = Kind of 一点点



1月:January 英文缩写:Jan

2月:February 英文缩写:Feb

3月:March 英文缩写:Mar

4月:April 英文缩写:Apr

5月: May 英文缩写:May

6月:June 英文缩写:Jun

7月: July 英文缩写:Jul

8月: August 英文缩写:Aug

9月: September 英文缩写:Sep

10月: October 英文缩写:Oct

11月:November 英文缩写:Nov

12月:December 英文缩写:Dec

例:My birthday is in December. 我生日在十二月。



星期日:Sunday 英文缩写:SUN

星期一:Monday 英文缩写:MON

星期二:Tuesday 英文缩写:TUE

星期三:Wednesday 英文缩写:WED

星期四:Thursday 英文缩写:THU

星期五:Friday 英文缩写:FRI

星期六:Saturday 英文缩写:SAT




1. Dept

Dept是department的缩写。用法:Ensure every dept gets a copy of this.

2. Attn:

Attn是attention或者是for the attention of的缩写,通常出现在书信,邮件和会议记录中用法:Attn: Jeff Wang

3. Pls

这是please的缩写,多用于跟同事之间非正式的交流。用法:Pls send me the annual report before you leave.

4. Approx.

Approximate或Approximately的缩写用法:We're expecting approx. revenue of $300K.



5. Doc

Doc是document的缩写。用法:Can you send me the doc before lunch?

6. TBD

TBA是To Be Determined的缩写,一般用在一些细节还有待敲定的时候。用法:The new Tax Manager will be joining us next month. The actual date is TBD.

7. FYI

FYI是For Your Information的缩写,比如转发一个报告给同事参考.用法:FYI, the monthly sales report for August is attached.

8. HQ

HQ是Headquarter的缩写, 指的是这个公司的总部。用法:Meetings with business partners are usually held at HQ.

9. R&D

R&D是Research & Development的缩写,指的是研究开发新产品的部门。比如药企R&D就负责开发新药,饮料厂的R&D就负责研究新的饮料种类。用法:If you have a new product in mind, why not discuss it with the R&D Department?

10. ASAP

ASAP是As Soon As Possible的缩写。用法:The Sales Manager would like to see the budget ASAP.

11. ETA

ETA是Estimated Time of Arrival的缩写,预计到达目的地的时间。用法:Let me know the ETA of you flight so I can pick you up.

12. B2B

B2B是Business-to-Business的缩写, 当企业的客户是别的企业的时候,就是B2B了。用法:The company is a B2B e-commerce.

13. B2C

B2C是Business-to-Consumer的缩写,当企业的客户是消费者的时候,就是B2C了。用法:Most online shopping businesses are B2C.

14. RFP

RFP是Request For Proposal的意思,也就是中文里的需求建议书。用法:The committee is still waiting for one more RFP before making decisions.

15. HR

HR是Human Resources的缩写,是负责进行人力资源管理的部门。用法:If you need to hire more staff, it's best to let HR know early.

16. SEO

SEO常用在IT领域,是Search Engine Optimization的缩写,通俗来讲,就是想办法在Google等搜索引擎上更容易被搜出来。用法:We need to improve the SEO for online marketing.

17. P&L

P&L是Profit & Loss的缩写,是公司财报的一部分。学Finance和Accounting的小伙伴们一定不陌生。用法:The board of directors are happy with our P&L this year.

18. IPO

IPO是Initial Public Offering的缩写,就是第一次公开募股的意思,也就是大家经常听到的上市。用法:The IPO price is still not decided yet.

19. ISP

ISP是用在IT领域的Internet Service Provider的缩写,就是像AT&T之类为大家提供上网服务的公司。用法:Our ISP has been informed about the slow internet access during peak hours.

20. PO

PO是Purchase Order的缩写,是公司向客户出具的采购单。用法:She has sent out a PO to a new supplier.

21. CEO

CEO是Chief Executive Officer的缩写,相信大家都很熟悉了。

22. CFO

CFO是Chief Financial Officer的缩写,是公司的首席财务官,对公司的finance负责。用法:With our CFO on extended leave, who's in charge of finance now?

23. PR

PR是Public Relations的缩写, 一个帮助公司塑造好形象的部门。

24. QC

QC是Quality Control的缩写, 确保生产出来的产品都是合格的。用法:All of our products undergo strict QC.

25. CC

CC原本是Carbon Copy的缩写。现在的意思已经变成了抄送。用法:Remember to cc your client.



IELTS – International English Language Testing System 雅思(课程):“国际英语(精品课)水平测试”

TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language 托福(课程):“检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试”

GRE(课程) – Graduate Record Examination 美国研究生入学考试;

GMAT – Graduate Management Admissions Test 研究生管理专业入学考试



2 = to/too

2nite = tonight

4 = for

86 =(读音像)eating snacks 吃东西

A3 = Anytime, anywhere, anyplace 哪里都成

b4 = before 在……以前

b4n = bye for now 先拜拜

bhl8 = be home late 晚点回家

B4N = bye for now:再见

c u l8r = see you later 待会儿见

c u 2nite = see you tonight 今晚见


AYT = Are you there? 你在吗?

AYS = Are you serious? 你认真的吗?

AH = At home 在家

ADBB = All done, bye-bye 完了,再见

AMOF = As a matter of fact 事实是……

AYDY = Are you done yet? 你完事了没?

ATB = All the Best 最好的

ATM = At the moment 现在

ASL = Age/Sex/Location 年龄/性别/住址

ADD/ADR = Address 地址

AWESO = Awesome 真棒

ATEOTD = At the end of the day 最后

AAR = At any rate 任何价格

AYSOS = 你是疯了还是怎么了

ASAP = as soon as possible:尽快


bbs = be back soon 很快回来

bbl = be back later 很快回来 

bbn = bye bye now 先拜拜

B/C = because 因为

bcnu = be seeing you 回见

bd = birthday 生日

BF = boyfriend 男朋友

BFF = best friend forever 永远的好朋友

BMW = 别摸我

BBIAF = 马上回来

BTW = by the way:顺便说一下

BRB = be right back:马上回来


ciao = goodbye 再见(源于意大利语) 

cio = check it out 来看看,查出来

csl = can't stop laughing 笑得停不下来

cmi = call me 打给我

cu/cya = see ya = see you 再见

cub = call you back 回头打给你

cul/cyl/cul8r = see you later 待会儿见

OIC = oh I see:我明白了

LOL = laughing out loud:大笑

JK = just kidding:仅仅是玩笑

WRU = where are you:你在哪

NP = no problem:没问题

RUOK = are you ok:你还好吗


a.m.是ante meridiem(拉丁文)的缩写

p.m.是post meridiem(拉丁文)的缩写























FW: forward 转发

CC: Carbon Copy 抄送

BCC: Blind Carbon Copy 秘送

Encl. : enclosure 随信附上


A.D. (公元): Anno Domini

CV (简历): curriculum vitae

e.g. (例如): exempli gratia

etc. (等等…): et cetera

et al. (以及其他人;等人): et alii

i.e. (即是): id est


克 G(Gram);

公斤 KG(Kilogram);

公吨 MT(Metric Ton);

米 M(Metre);

厘米 CM(Centimetre);

毫米 MM(Milimetre);

公里 KM(Kilometre);

码 Yd.(Yard);

英尺 Ft.(Foot);

英寸 In.(Inch);

升 L(Litre);

毫升 ML(Millilitre);

加仑 Gal(Gallon);

千瓦 KW(Kilowatt);

马力 HP(Horse Power)

平方米 Sq.m(Square metre);

立方米 Cu.m(Cubic metre)

小时 Hr.(Hour);

分 Min.(Minute);

秒 Sec.(Second)


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