安志合 Feb 14, 2022, 9:29 PM UTC Hi 安志合, I'm contacting you on behalf of GitHub because we've received a DMCA takedown notice regarding the following content: https://github.com/anzhihe/Free-Docker-Books/blob/master/book/Docker%20-%20Up%20%26%20Running.pdf We're giving you 1 business day to make the changes identified in the following notice: https://github.zendesk.com/attachments/token/Suc6O7wqcfC9kHd8BtikxnjAa/?name=2022-02-08-docker-up-and-running.rtf If you need to remove specific content from your repository, simply making the repository private or deleting it via a commit won't resolve the alleged infringement. Instead, you must follow these instructions to remove the content from your repository's history, even if you don't think it's sensitive: https://docs.github.com/articles/remove-sensitive-data Once you've made changes, please reply to this message and let us know. If you don't tell us that you've made changes within the next 1 business day, we'll need to disable the entire repository according to our GitHub DMCA Takedown Policy: https://docs.github.com/articles/dmca-takedown-policy/ If you believe your content on GitHub was mistakenly disabled by a DMCA takedown request, you have the right to contest the takedown by submitting a counter notice, as described in our DMCA Takedown Policy. PLEASE NOTE: It is important that you reply to this message within 1 business day to tell us whether you've made changes. If you do not, the repository will be disabled.
Hello, We received a DMCA takedown notice regarding your repository anzhihe/Free-Docker-Books. As such, we have disabled public access to the repository. The notice has been publicly posted at: https://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2022/02/2022-02-08-docker-up-and-running.md If you believe that your repository was disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification, you have the right to file a counter notice and have the repository reinstated. Our help articles provide more details about how the DMCA notice-and-takedown process works at GitHub and how to file a counter notice with us if you choose: https://docs.github.com/articles/dmca-takedown-policy https://docs.github.com/articles/guide-to-submitting-a-dmca-counter-notice If you have any questions about the process or the risks in filing a counter notice, we suggest that you consult with a lawyer. Thanks, The GitHub Team
Hello, I didn't see the reminder email yesterday, I didn't intend to infringe the relevant copyrights, I applied to unblock the warehouse and promised to delete the relevant content, Please help me thank you! The repository address is: https://github.com/anzhihe/Free-Docker-Books
Hello, Thanks for your reminder and reply,Yesterday was Valentine's Day and I didn't pay attention to emails, I didn't intend to infringe the relevant copyrights,but now i can't open the warehouse to delete the infringing file, Can you give me another 24 hours to delete the infringing file. I have no other way,thank you so much! The repository address is: https://github.com/anzhihe/Free-Docker-Books
Thank you for contacting GitHub Support. We wanted to let you know that we've received your message. We are experiencing high volumes and therefore, you may experience longer than normal wait times. In the meantime, you may find answers to commonly asked questions in our community forum or in our documentation. View or update your ticket here: Ticket 1506185 If you have any additional information or would like to add anything to your initial message, now would be a great time to do so, feel free to reply to this email. If not, then rest assured your request is in the right hands :) Thank you! The GitHub Support Team
GitHub Trust & Safety (GitHub Support) Feb 17, 2022, 11:26 PM UTC Hi 安志合, Thanks for writing in. Since you missed your initial window, we’ll allow you one additional business day to make changes, as per our Policy (https://help.github.com/articles/dmca-takedown-policy/). This would be your last chance to do so. Let us know when you're ready for that window to begin, and we'll re-enable your repo for a period of 1 business day for you to make the requested changes. Regards, GitHub Trust & Safety -------------- 果断回复并致谢:) Hi, I have time to deal with it now, please help to re-enable the repo,I will immediately remove the infringing content.Thanks a lot! The repository address is: https://github.com/anzhihe/Free-Docker-Books Regards,
Hi 安志合, Thanks for writing in. Since you missed your initial window, we’ll allow you one additional business day to make changes, as per our Policy (https://docs.github.com/en/github/site-policy/dmca-takedown-policy). This will be your last chance to do so. Please see the takedown notice (https://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2022/02/2022-02-08-docker-up-and-running.md) for the complainant’s requested changes. To permanently remove the reported content from your repository’s history, you will need to follow these instructions: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/removing-sensitive-data-from-a-repository Once you’ve made the requested changes, please let us know by responding to this email, so we can let the complainant know the requested changes have been made. If we don’t hear from you, we will re-disable your repository around this time tomorrow. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help removing the content. Regards, GitHub Trust & Safety
接下来就是把文件从仓库和之前提交纪录里都移除,首先下载bfg这个工具,然后按照文档操作就行了,Removing sensitive data from a repository,先clone下来仓库,进入仓库然后执行下边命令:
// 强制清除侵权文件 java -jar ~/Desktop/bfg-1.14.0.jar --delete-files 'Docker - Up & Running.pdf' --no-blob-protection // 执行垃圾回收 git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive // 将数据推送到远端即可(需要关闭 GitHub 上仓库设置里面对强制推送的防护),Setting → Branches → Add rules → Allow force pushes git push -f origin master