macOS Sierra 10.12.5
Alfred 3
脚本 + Alfred workflow + App把工作流打通,实现想要的功能。
# One-click start office software by anzhihe 2019-02-20 # 使用密码+token登陆relay认证,请修改为自己的信息 /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.1/bin/python3 /Users/anzhihe/relay.py -u anzhihe -p password -s token # 启动办公软件 exec osascript <<EOF -- 使用iterm2登陆中控机 tell application "System Events" -- some versions might identify as "iTerm2" instead of "iTerm" set isRunning to (exists (processes where name is "iTerm")) or (exists (processes where name is "iTerm2")) end tell tell application "iTerm" activate set hasNoWindows to ((count of windows) is 0) if isRunning and hasNoWindows then create window with default profile end if select first window tell the first window if isRunning and hasNoWindows is false then create tab with default profile end if -- 使用组合键让iTerm2最大化 tell application "System Events" key code 36 using {command down} end tell tell current session to write text "/usr/local/bin/con 中控机名称或IP" end tell end tell -- 启动QQ tell application "QQ" activate --激活应用 -- 引入系统事件 用户触发键盘 tell application "System Events" tell application process "QQ" activate set frontmost to true -- 在 qq 有保存 qq 号,密码的前提下,调用回车来触发 qq 登录界面的登录按钮 key code {36} end tell end tell end tell -- 启动WeChat tell application "WeChat" activate tell application "System Events" tell application process "WeChat" activate key code {36} end tell end tell end tell -- 启动文档编辑器 tell application "Atom" activate tell application "System Events" tell application process "Atom" activate key code {36} end tell end tell end tell -- Chrome打开自定义页面标签 set urlTickets to "https://chegva.com/ticket-manager/op-tickets" set urlAlarm to "https://chegva.com/alarm-center/alarm-event-cases" tell application "Google Chrome" -- 新建一个 chrome 窗口 set window1 to make new window tell window1 -- 当前标签页加载 tickets 页面 set currTab to active tab of window1 set URL of currTab to urlTickets -- 打开报警页面,多个页面直接依次定义添加即可 make new tab with properties {URL:urlAlarm} -- 将焦点由最后一个打开的标签页还给首个标签页 set active tab index of window1 to 1 end tell end tell -- 需打开IDE,音乐等app依次添加即可。 -- 横幅显示通知消息 tell application "System Events" activate display notification "新的一天新的开始,加油!" with title "服务已启动完毕,工作愉快:)" end tell EOF
预告:Mac高效办公第二弹——PopClip + Alfred + Iterm2实现一键登陆服务器