快捷猫 (Shortcat) 是一款适用于Mac的通用命令面板,专为键盘操作设计,无需鼠标,即可熟练操作 macOS和高效完成多种任务。它通过索引用户界面,将按钮点击、文本字段聚焦、菜单命令调用等功能整合到一个通用命令面板中,极大地提升了操作效率。Shortcat 支持模糊搜索和同义词匹配,可快速定位菜单项、窗口标题和表情符号,为用户节省操作时间,减少认知负担。兼容主流浏览器和 Electron 应用,Shortcat 提供了极致流畅的键盘体验,是 macOS 用户优化工作流的绝佳选择。
Shortcat:Manipulate macOS masterfully, minus the mouse.The universal command palette for your Mac.
Shortcat indexes your Mac's user interface and makes them available to you in a powerful command palette.
Click buttons, focus text fields, invoke menu commands, switch windows, and more; no mouse required.
Shortcat enables you to operate your Mac faster, and with less cognitive overhead.